SCCM Client Installation Error Codes | System Center Dudes (2025)

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As an SCCMadministrator, it’s important to learn how to troubleshoot an SCCM client installation error. By targeting the SCCM client installation error codes, you will better understand what is happening during client installation. The error codes are not an exact science, they can defer depending on the situation. For a better understanding of ccmsetup error codes, read this greatpost from Jason Sandys.

Client installation troubleshooting is probably your first challenge after an SCCM Installation. A better SCCM client installation rate equals better overall management. You want your SCCM non-client count to be as low as possible to manage your device.

These error codes appear in ccmsetup logs which is located on the target machine – C:\windows\ccmsetup\logs.During the SCCM client installation process, monitor theccmsetup.log usingcmtrace.exe and locate each error code.

There are other logs, to which the SCCM client installation relates. If you don’t find enough information in the ccmsetup.log, scan all related log files in c:\windows\ccm\logs.Use the command linenet helpmsg,for more information about your return error code.

SCCM Console

You can also addtheLast Installation Errorcolumn in the SCCM console:

  • Open the SCCM console and navigate toAssets and Compliance /Devices
  • In the devices view, right-click on the header and selectLast Installation Error
SCCM Client Installation Error Codes | System Center Dudes (2)

There are chances that the last error code returns an empty valuefora device. Important to understand: an SCCM Client error code of “0” is a success.

SCCM Client Installation Error Codes

This post from Microsoft Learnhas inspired us to prepare a list of all error codes, that can happen during the SCCM client installation. Some errors have been added based on our personal experiences.

Feel free to send us any new error codes,thislist will be updated based on your comments.

2The system cannot find the file specified
This error occur when the WMI service is corrupt
Technet Resolution
WMI Repair
5Access deniedMake sure that the installation account is member of the Administrator Group
7Reboot Required
8Setup Already Running
9Prerequisite evaluation failure
10Setup manifest hash validation failure
52You were not connected because a duplicate name exists on the networkCheck for duplicate name in DNS (IP)
52You were not connected because a duplicate name exists on the networkCheck for duplicate name in DNS (IP)
53Unable to locate
Cannot connect to admin$
Computer Browser not started
Add File & Print sharing to Exceptions in Firewall
Turn file and print on
58The specified server cannot perform the requested operation
64WindowsThe specified network name is no longer available
67Network name cannot be foundCheck if client has a DNS entry or invalid DNS
86Incorrect network configuration
112Not enough disk spaceFree some space on the computer
1003Cannot complete this function
1053The service did not respond to the start or control request in a timely fashion
1068The dependency service or group failed to start
1130WindowsNot enough server storage is available to process this command
1203The network path was either typed incorrectly, does not exist, or the network provider is not currently available
Please try retyping the path or contact your network administrator
1208WindowsAn extended error has occurred
1305The revision level is unknown
1396Login FailureThe target account name is incorrectCheck for duplicate name in DNS (IP)
NBTSTAT -a reverse lookup
1450WindowsInsufficient system resources exist to complete the requested service
1603CCMExec could not be stoppedReboot and install the client as administrator
1618MSIThis error is cause by a multiple client.msi installation at the same timeStop all related MSI install process
1789The trust relationship between this workstation and the primary domain failed
12002Failed to send HTTP RequestCheck firewall ports
8007045DMSISetup was unable to create the WMI namespace CCMDelete all SCCM folders and rebuilt wmi Repository
800706BAWMIUnable to connect to WMI on remote machinePrajwal Desai post
80041001MSISetup was unable to create the WMI namespace CCM
Warning 25101. Setup was unable to delete WMI namespace CIMV2\SMS
WMI Repair
8004103BWMIUnable to create the WMI NamespaceRebuild WMI Repository
80070070Setup failed due to unexpected circumstancesRebuild WMI Repository
87D0029EWMICCMSetup FailedPrajwal Desai post
2147023174The RPC server is unavailableCheck out firewall or AntiVirus
2147024891Access is denied
2147749889WMIGeneric failure
2147749890WMINot foundWMI Repair
2147749904WMIInvalid class
2147749908WMIInitialization failure
2147942405Access is DeniedMissing Firewall rules
2147944122The RPC server is unavailableKB899965
Dcom is miss-configured for security
2148007941Server Execution Failed
Technet Forums Sources

Don’t forget to emphasize the prerequisites of the SCCM client, this will increase your success percentage during client installation. You can also check the list of client commands list, as additional help for troubleshooting your SCCM clients.

SCCM Client Installation Reporting

Knowing the client installation status from reports reduces the number of devices without SCCM client installed in your IT infrastructure. It also increases your effectiveness, when it’s time to tackle all unhealthy clients.

One of our custom SSRS reports is made especially for the Configuration Manager Client. This report now shows the last SCCM client installation error codes, including the description of the installation deployment state. This report will help you achieve the *near* 100% client installation, that your project manager loves to see.

SCCM Client Installation Error Codes | System Center Dudes (3)
SCCM Client Installation Error Codes | System Center Dudes (2025)
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